Museums in Motion

2016-19 ~ Hertfordshire, UK

Museums in Motion was a series of dance and technology participation projects working with groups of young people aged 4-18 years old and their families including home schooled, young carers and their families, and pupil referral units.

Each museum held a three-day creative workshop which resulted in an audio-visual installation at the museum for 8 weeks that was also available online.

Participants were in charge of all the elements of choreography, camera, projection and sound design and they developed communication, leadership and teamwork skills by responding creatively to heritage and each other. MakeAmplify’s methodology ensured participants felt they had ownership and agency of the project.

Our Partners

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“To get her out of bed in the morning you have to turn on the hose. With this project, she was a like a greyhound out of the trap.”

— Parent of participant



Co-Artistic Director and Choreographer - Jennifer Irons

Co-Artistic Director and Visual Artist - Zach Walker

Composers - Stewart Baxter and Spider J

Choreographer - Siobhan Maguire Swartz

Photos - Simon Richardson

BEEE Creative 

Director - Carrie Washington

Project Assistants - Hannah Dye, Alicia Muscella, Anna Quiney