The Tech

MakeAmplify have developed their own unique interactive light painting technology called Touch & Glow.

Scale up your creative project and start painting with light.

Simply activated from iPads, Touch & Glow gives users access to a digital paintbox offering any colour as well as an array of textures and moving images to choose from.

Creative collaboration is intuitive and immediate, so every selection someone makes from their device is immediately shown as part of the shared projected visual everyone can see.

Who is it for?

With the touch of a screen, anyone from a toddler to a CEO can interact and redesign bespoke content in real time to customised mapped surfaces.

The experience literally brings their style and ideas to life right before their eyes. 

Tried and tested over hundreds of days and thousands of audience members, the platform is robust and adaptable across a multitude of settings - indoors, outdoors, intimate to large scale.

It brings a new and long-awaited interactive dimension to previously passive, immersive art experiences.

Any location  or object can be transformed into a canvas that every member of the family and community can play with collectively and individually to create a unique piece of art and transform the space around them.

This new technology combined with our track-record in producing award-winning works, gives us the capability to evolve what it means for an experience to be original and interactive. 

Where does it work?

All you need is a dark space, either indoors or outside that can be projected onto.

This could include: a sculpture, painting, bush, tree, boat, vehicle, airplane, internal or external architectural feature, entire building or single wall can be projected onto. 

It can also work on a IMAG LED Wall or Display Wall of video Monitors. 

What else can be controlled?

Not only can imagery be controlled but light and sound can also be transformed by audience members as a part of the experience.



13a or 16a mains power for  Touch & Glow control flight case drawing no more than 110 watts at peak.


An invigilator while the project is running to ensure security of equipment and help assist audience members/participants. 

Plus ensuring iPads are on charge each night ready for the morning session.


Dry, safe and secure space for Touch & Glow control flight case during installation period.

Space for charging an iPad charging station between installation operating times.

Tailor the audience experience

How could Touch & Glow be used?

Light trails/Festivals/Creative Experiences: light up the venue / manor house / 100ft oak trees for added impact and memorable stand-out experiences with social media potential…

Product launches: project your brand at scale onto the side of retail or cultural landmark.

Internal brand and sales conferences: create interactive work spaces to spark creative thinking and application of brand assets at scale.

Private events or parties: Birthday parties, weddings or other private events to ensure a memorable experience for your guests.

Got an idea?